Second International Scientific and Educational Conference «The Soviet Union in WORLD WAR II (1939-1945)»


Conference proceedings 2019 (pdf)

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the Second International Scientific Conference «The USSR IN the SECOND WORLD WAR. 1939-1945» which will be held on May 20-21, 2019.

The conference is dedicated to the anniversary of liberating Leningrad from the siege and the liberating the USSR from Nazi invaders.
The purpose of the conference is to discuss a wide range of issues related to the history of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War, to the promotion and preservation of historical memory of the war, the role of the USSR in the Victory over fascism.

  • Program Committee

    • Almazova N. I. – Director of the Institute for the Humanities, SPbSPU, RAS corresponding member, Doctor of Psychology, Professor (co-chair);

    • Atscheulova N.A. Director of SpbF, Institute of history of science and technology, RAS, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, associate professor (co-chair) (by agreement);

    • Baoyan U. – Researcher at the United University of Beijing (China) (by agreement);

    • Borovikov U.S. – the acting Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Novgorod State University in the name of Yaroslav the Wise», Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (by agreement);

    • Feferman K. – PHD, Director of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities at Ariel (Israel) (by agreement);

    • Friedman A. – Professor at the University of Regensburg (Germany) (by agreement);

    • Gutschin V. I. – Director of the Baltic Center for Historical and Socio-political studies, Candidate of History (Latvia) (by agreement);

    • Kapilupi S. M. – PHD, Italy (by agreement);

    • Korsak A.I.  – Head of the Department of History and Tourism at Polotsk State University, Candidate of History (by agreement);

    • Krasnozhenova E. E. – Doctor of History, Professor at the Higher School of Social Sciences SPbSPU, (Executive Secretary);

    • Krinko E.F. – Chief Scientific Officer, Deputy Chairperson of the SSC RAS on scientific work, Doctor of History (by agreement);

    • Kulik S. V. – Director of Higher School of Social Sciences at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Doctor of History, Professor (Deputy Chairman);

    • Kulinok S. V. – Deputy Head of the Department of publications of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus, Candidate of History (Republic of Belarus) (by agreement);

    • Litvin A.M. –  Head of the Department of Military History of Belarus, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of History (Belarus) (by agreement);

    • Merklinger J. – Associate Professor of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Eastern Europe and its cultures, University of Passau (Germany) (by agreement);

    • Ni Weidou – Academician, (Honorary Professor of SpbPU) (China), Tsinghua University (by agreement);

    • Pinkhasov A. – Vice-President of the Ariel University, Professor (Israel) (by agreement);

    • Scandura K. – Head of the Department of Russian language and literature, University of Rome La Sapienza, Professor (Italy) (by agreement);

    • Schneier A. I. – PHD, researcher at National Institute of Memory of Nazism Victims and Heroes of Resistance «Yad VaShem» (Israel) (by agreement).

    • Uskembaev K. S. – Chair of Department of Archeology, Ethnology and National History at Karaganda State University in the name of E. A. Buketov, Candidate of History, associate professor (Kazakhstan) (by agreement);

    • Vasiliev Y. S. – Academic Supervisor at SPbSPU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, RAS Academician (Chairman);

    • Wang Qi – Executive Director of the Institute of Strategic Cooperation between China and Russia at the University of Cinoa (PRC) (by agreement);

  • Organizing Committee

    • Kalinina E. I. – Rector of St. Petersburg Socio-economic Institute (by agreement);

    • Kovalev B.N. – Doctor of History, Professor of SpbPU Higher School of Social Sciences;

    • Krasnozhenova E. E. – Doctor of History, Professor of SpbPU Higher School of Social Sciences (Deputy Chairman);

    • Kulik S. V. – Director of SpbPU Higher school of Social Sciences, Doctor of History, Professor (Chairman);

    • Kulyarski D. D. – postgraduate student of SpbPU Higher School of Social Sciences;

    • Lokhova T. V. – Director of Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Kuban State Technological University» (Novorossiysk), Candidate of History, associate professor (by agreement); 

    • Mikhailov A.A. – Doctor of History, Professor of SpbPU Higher School of Social Sciences;

    • Popov G. N. – President of the International Fund «Culture and education» (by agreement);

    • Pritschepa A.S. – assistant of the Higher School of Social Sciences of SpbPU (Executive Secretary);

    • Samylovskaya E. A. – Candidate of History, Associate Professor of SpbPU Higher School of Social Sciences;

    • Sirenov A.V. –  Director of the St. Petersburg Institute of History at RAS, Doctor of History, Russian Academy of Sciences corresponding member (by agreement);

    • Solovyov D.B. –  Head of the Far Eastern sub - section of the IEEE, the head of the «Innovatica» educational program, Engineering School, Far Eastern Federal University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (by agreement);

    • Toropova E. V. – Director of Institute of Humanities of Novgorod State University in the name of Yaroslav the Wise, Candidate of History, Associate Professor (by agreement);

    • Ulyanova S. B.  – Doctor of History, Professor of SpbPU Higher School of Social Sciences.

The conference is expected to hear scientific reports on the following issues:

  • World War II and the Great Patriotic War in the historical memory of the peoples of the world;
  • The economy of the USSR in war;
  • The rear during the war. Power and society. The contribution of the civilian population to the Victory. Person at war.
  • Military daily routine;
  • Fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War;
  • International relations before and during the war;
  • Occupation of the USSR during the war. Collaboration. Resistance in the occupied territories;
  • Awareness-raising confrontation in the war;
  • High school, science and technology during the Great Patriotic War;
  • Women in war;
  • USSR and the world after the war;
  • World War II and the Great Patriotic War in Russian and foreign historiography.

Working languages of the Conference: Russian, English.

As a result of the Conference, it is planned to publish a collection of materials, which will be indexed in the scientometric database of RSCI. The materials will also be posted on the website of Peter the Great SpbPU.

Rules for submission
Those wishing to participate in the Conference should send an electronic application by filling in the online form(see Annex 1 for a sample) or by e-mail marked «Conference» until 15 April 2009.

  • The text of the publication is accepted until 15. 04.2019

The text of the article should be accompanied by an expert opinion on the possibility of publication (issued at the place of work). See. Annex 2..
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select materials for publication.
The materials are double-blind reviewed and tested in the «Anti-plagiary» system.

The works are published in the author's edition.

Rules of registration of materials for publication:

  • The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word text editor in the format *.doc, Times New Roman font, 12 pt, line spacing single.
  • The paper can have from 14 thousand to 20 thousand characters.
  • In the upper left corner of the first page a UDC index is placed (consultations in determining this index can be given by bibliographers in libraries). This is followed by the surname (surnames) and the initials of the author (authors), the title of the paper, the abstract in Russian (100-250 words) and the same in English. The key words are given.
  • The list of references is made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. References to literary sources are given in the text in square brackets and numbered in the order of their occurrence ([1], [2], [3]...), the list of sources used is given at the end of the paper with the obligatory indication of a specific page (s) when quoting, the total number of pages of a book or a journal publication (from which to which). References to authors’ abstracts and dissertations are not allowed.
  • The list of references in Russian is duplicated in English and transliterated in the References section.
  • At the end of the paper, information about the author (s) shall be provided – place of work: university, department, academic degree, academic title, specialty code, according to the nomenclature of researchers, e-mail address, contact numbers, postal address. The manuscript of the article should be carefully proofread and signed by the author (s) indicating: «the work is published for the first time» and the date.
  • File name should be the last name of the author (Ivanov_I.I.doc).

Publication structure:

  • UDC according to the classifier (in the upper right corner);
  • Surname (surnames) with initials of the author (authors);
  • The title of the paper (up to 10 words) in Russian and English;
  • Abstract in Russian and in English (100-250 words);
  • Key words in Russian and in English;
  • Text of the paper;
  • References - See. Annex 3;
  • References (in English) - See. Annex 3.

The venue of the conference and contact information

The conference is held at Peter the Great SpbPU at:
St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya street, 29 («Polytechnicheskaya» metro station).

Contact person:Elena E. Krasnozhenova, Doctor of History, Professor of SPbSPU Higher School of Social Sciences

Николаенко Георгий Александрович
Занимаемые должности
Ученые степени
кандидат социологических наук


The website of the conference:

Information mail (PDF)