«Let's remember everyone by name, let's remember them with our grief... It is necessary not for the dead! It is necessary for those who are alive» - R. Rozhdestvensky
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the 3rd International scientific and educational conference, devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War «The USSR in the World War II (1939-1945): problems of the historical memory», which will be held on June, 4-5, 2020 in Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
The Conference is devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The aim of the Conference is to discuss a wide range of issues related to history of the World War II and of the Great Patriotic War, to popularize and preserve the historical memory of the war, to discuss the role of the USSR in the Victory over fascism.
The historical memory of the war is one of the main factors that ensure the cohesion of the modern Russian society. It helps to preserve the spiritual potential, forms the moral ideals and values, and develops the worldview of young generations.
The following issued are expected to be discussed during the Conference:
Conference languages: Russian, English
Based on the results of the Conference, it is planned to publish a collection of materials that will be indexed in the scientometric database of the RSCI. The materials will also be posted on the website of SPbPU. The best articles that will successfully pass the double-blind review will be recommended for the publication indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science.
Article submission requirements:
In order to participate in the Conference you should fill in the registration forms and submit it together with the article to the conference e-mail address krasnozh_ee@spbstu.ru с with the subject of the letter “Conference”. Deadline of the registration form and article submission is March, 15, 2020.
The text of the article must be accompanied by an expert report on the possibility of the open access publication, which is issued at the place of work, and a license agreement for the publication in the RSCI.
The organizing Committee reserves the right to select materials for publication. Materials are reviewed and checked in the “Antiplagiat” system. Articles are published in the author’s edition.
Requirements for article registration for publication:
Articles are submitted in a template. You can download the template on the conference website spbstu.ru/conferences/sssr_vo_vtoroy_mirovoy_voyne_2020
The articles should betypedinTimesNew Roman font, size 12, single line space, *.doc format.
The recommended volume of the article is from 15000 to 20000 characters.
At the end of the article information about the author(s) is provided – place of work: University, Department, academic degree, academic title, specialty code, according to the nomenclature of scientific employees, e-mail address, contact phone numbers, postal address.
The manuscript of the article must be carefully read by the author(s).
File name is by the author's last name (e.g. Ivanov_I.I.doc).
Article structure:
The venue of the conference and contact information
The conference is held at Peter the Great SpbPU at:
St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya street, 29 («Polytechnicheskaya» metro station).
The website of the conference: hsss.spbstu.ru/conferences/sssr_vo_vtoroy_mirovoy_voyne